Nightcap #30

J&B make a commentary track for ROX #31 “A Toast to Poverty.” This is our 30th nightcap, but we’re talking about the 31st episode of our TV show ROX, produced over 16 years ago. Do not become confused.

Happy Dog

We recorded this commentary track in hopes of using it in our forthcoming DVD set. Alas, that project seems to have run afoul of technological catastrophe, about which more shall be forthcoming.

Download Nightcap #30

Nightcap #23

Possibly our longest conversation to date.

Pure Faith Ministry

Download Nightcap #23

Nightcap #15

It finally happened. We went over the one-hour mark. But we had a lot to talk about.

Download Nightcap #15

(Actually upon further review it’s apparent that we didn’t quite go over an hour. There must have been a glitch in the recording process that resulted in about six minutes of silence at the end of this conversation. Sorry about that. Please use this quiet time to meditate upon the eternal void. Or something.)

Nightcap #12

B is excited about Mardi Gras and his daughter’s first birthday and half a dozen other things. J is just happy to be recovering from a cold.


Download Nightcap #12

Nightcap #10

We had our most profound, insightful, and moving conversation yet. It was a real meeting of the minds, a revealing and poignant heart-to-heart talk between friends.

Alas, a technical error resulted in the entire conversation disappearing into the ether. So you will just have to imagine this one. We’ll be back with more sparkling dialog soon.

Nightcap #8

A technical glitch leads to the untimely truncation of this installment, robbing the world of an extra twenty-odd minutes of witty repartee and keen insights into the human condition. We were waxing poetic and speculating in the face of science. Alas, alas, gone forever. You’ll simply have to use your imagination and make do with the first half.

Tequila y Kahlua, Monterrey's, Atlanta

Download Nightcap #08

Nightcap #4

A semi-coherent Editor B flies solo at year’s end.

Note: This recording terminates rather abruptly, as I pressed the button a moment too soon.

yes, that's a rum filled coconut.

Download Nightcap #04

Nightcap #2

Oops. We kinda let this one get away from us — it clocks in at a rather ungainly 41 minutes. Over a Manhattan we whine about well-meaning prenatal advice and discuss some cold weather problems. We herewith pledge to keep ’em shorter from now on.

Makers Mark Manhattan. Rocks.

Links for this episode:

Download Nightcap #02

Nightcap #1

The podcasting mania continues. This is rough, raw, intimate, easy, and definitely low-fidelity — kind of like us. No, it’s not ROX, it’s J&B’s Nightcap.

Nightcap #1: Old-Fashioned

On the 75th anniversary of Prohibition’s repeal, your hosts J&B launch a new enterprise: this podcast, J&B’s Nightcap. We begin with that classic cocktail, the Old Fashioned. Our conversation diverges also to the joys of fatherhood, infant projectile vomiting and marijuana.

old fashioned

Links for this episode:

I suppose I should really set up a blog specially for this. And now I have.

Download Nightcap #01