2. Having survived another tropical storm in New Orleans, PJ refreshes himself with an appropriate beverage.
3. Day samples the Porcelain Goddess, mixed just for her by our resident mixologist, who also happens to be her husband.
4. B risks arrest for the sake of art.
5. The mysterious black box: What is it? Why does everyone want it?
6. Brandon puts the torch to J's plumbing. He's a professional, so it's OK.
7. The ice cream man makes a stop to sell some product.
8. J's bathroom renovation took longer than he thought it would. A lot longer.
9. Julie appeared for just a couple brief seconds in ROX #91.
10. Editor B points to the rental property, located on Palmer Avenue in Uptown New Orleans, where he and Xy lived for two years, until they got sick of investing in other people's property.
11. "Paying rent is just like flushing money down the toilet!"
12. Xy expresses her feelings about landlords.
13. Day tears up her property.
14. Shannon Sharpe was the realtor who brokered Xy & B's home purchase. That smile has been known to blind passing motorists.
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