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"J&B on the ROX" Debuts on Cable TV



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"J&B on the ROX" Debuts on Cable TV

July 7th, 1992

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July 7th, 2008
PLANT A SEED! Go For It World!

Worm: worm here.
i believe i was present, in a fashion, at the first taping of rox.
I do recall the “buzz” of excitement happening somewhere downstairs at 711 E cottage grove. bart was not as well known to me, he showed up with Joe, my summer roommate. It was this house, that summer, that shaped my destiny -as it were-i was a freshman & all things weird & new came my way. Who was this weirdo Bart? his weird girlfriend -i could always make her laugh by tapdancing in the kitchen.
da-da, da-da-da-DAH. 5-6-7-8. she would gawf as i tap tap tapped my way past the overpiling garbage. I think the door... [More...]


June 3rd, 2013
Tell Mayor Mark Kruzan To Proclaim July 7 As National ROX Day


We're on a crusade to get some recognition for ROX, and we need your help.

The basic idea is this: ROX will be 21 years old on July 7th, 2013. Therefore we're asking Mark Kruzan, the Mayor of Bloomington, Indiana, to proclaim National ROX Day.

Please take a moment to sign the petition. We'll be glad you did.

Once we get the mayor on board, we'll be going after the governor. Stay tuned.

July 7th, 2013
Happy (Inter) National ROX Day

B: It's official. Mark Kruzan, mayor of Bloomington, Indiana, has proclaimed July 7 as National ROX Day. Thanks to all who signed our petition, and thanks especially to Council Member Steve Volan for his stalwart advocacy.

More to come. Much more. Right now we're too busy celebrating to explain but we'll have some video for you eventually.

Media for "J&B on the ROX" Debuts on Cable TV:
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J&B make their first television appearance together.

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