4. "As the editor of this TV show, it's my job to chop the video up and rearrange it..."
5. Editor B has an unpleasant realization: "The average life expectancy for the American male is 72. Half of 72 is 36. I'm 36. My God, my life is half over!"
6. J&B attempt to have a long-distance conversation.
7. J&B try another long-distance hosting technique, but B feels cramped on half a screen.
8. B explains why New Orleans' daily paper is called the Times-Picayune.
9. "And we never did find any weapons of mass destruction, did we?"
10. Editor B shares some home improvement tips.
11. Title for ROX #94, "Hangover Cures."
12. Editor B examines the floodline on his house in Mid-City New Orleans.
13. Shannon Sharpe was the realtor who brokered Xy & B's home purchase. That smile has been known to blind passing motorists.
14. B digs into the etymological roots of the crisis.
15. Editor B demonstrates how to patch a flat tire.
16. Title frame for ROX #90.
17. Maybe you'd get ahead if you upgraded your wardrobe.
18. J raises a toast to B's mohawk.
19. J doesn't seem to be enjoying his mix of Vitamin C and bourbon.
20. "One day there won't be people at all. All there will be is Paper Dolls..."
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