ROX People


M.A.D. is an ardent devotee.

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Vital Statistics

Real Name:
Mike Davis
Clinton, IN
Edgewood High School class of 1978 ::: BS - Mathematics - Indiana University - 1986 ::: Some Grad School - Mathematics - Indiana University - 1986 - 1987 ::: Certified Massage Therapist - Health Enrichment Center - 1996
Distinguishing Marks:
Crooked nose from running into what I thought was door but turned out to be plexiglass.
Pre-Existing Conditions:
Complete and total intollerance of fat, stupid rednecks.
Prior Convictions:
All bullshit and trumped up.
Current Job(s), Length Held:
Mathematician for NSWC Crane's Tactical Software Branch - too long ::: Massage Therapist - 7 years.
Previous Job(s), Length Held:
Hay bailer - 5 years ::: Stock Boy - 6 months ::: I.U. Halls of Residence hourly employee (grunt, carpet cleaner, exterminator, grounds keeper, janitor assistant) - 8 years ::: Bloomington Hospital Surgery/Recovery Orderly - 6 years ::: Bloomington Hospital Pharmacy Technician - 10 months ::: Computer Consultant - 8 months ::: Driver for a medical supply co. - 4 months.
Last Book Read (and opinion in 4 words or less):
Secrets of the Flute
Last Video Rented (and opinion in 4 words or less):
Hidalgo - fun
Political Orientation:
Anti-douch bag
Religious Affiliation:
Musical Instrument(s):
Native American Flute ::: Recorder ::: Didgeridoo
Favorite Music/Band(s):
Chris Whitley ::: David Gray ::: Doobie Brothers ::: James Taylor ::: Grateful Dead ::: Most old shit that doesn't suck
Favorite Techno-Fetish-Object:
Remote controls.
Favorite Sport/Activity:
Cycling ::: Hiking ::: Backpacking ::: Helping the homeless by thowing my empties in the ditch ::: Carving Native American Flutes
Favorite Drug(s):
Beer ::: Brownies ::: Coffee
Favorite Mixed Drink(s):
Beer ::: Gin
Personal Motto/Excuse:
Soylent Green is people!
Media for M.A.D.:
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