ROX J's Bartending Guide

15 Second Sundae

In honor of our fifteen seconds of fame.


ROX Episodes



Drink Recipe


bowl of snow
4 oz. coconut-flavored rum
1 oz. Kahlua
2 TB sugar
vanilla extract
1 1/2 oz. milk
more snow
more milk

“One of the most wonderful things I've ever tasted.”

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Production Notes:

August 7th, 2003
15 Second Question

B: You'd have thought that the 15 Second Sundae would have been featured in ROX #27, “Fifteen Seconds of Fame.” But it wasn't. Instead, it was in the following week's episode, “The Great Midwestern Watershed.” So what happened? Chances are I just misplaced the tape and didn't find it until a week later....

Media for 15 Second Sundae:
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