1. TBlack reads from his Bible with a little hellfire and brimstone for good measure.
2. B expounds yet another point in his endless pursuit of social justice, while J enjoys a cocktail and a cigarette.
3. "A Toast to Poverty" was inspired by Bloomington's ranking as one of the poorest cities in the nation.
4. B needs a drink.
5. Paul Smedberg offers some expert advice.
6. "Mmm, dee-licious!"
7. They just did a drive-by-fruiting. Note the banana.
8. A college student demonstrates the Hoosier response to a video camera.
(Note that this arresting image appeared in the "next week" teaser at the end of ROX #63, but it is not to be found in ROX #64 itself.)
9. Toast regards the camera, and Becca regards Toast.
10. Jon cooks up a vegetarian feast for friends.
11. Chuck sent us our first viewer-submitted video, in which he gets to the hearth of the matter of censorship, free speech and community standards.
12. A small but passionate march for gay rights.
13. Our patriotic program is dedicated to the upliftment of American values and mixed drinks, with an emphasis on the latter.
14. Members of the notorious DHWK gang leave their "tag" to mark their "turf."
15. Even in the merrie month of May Editor B required a sweater — until he escaped the temperate regions and made his home in subtropical New Orleans.
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