ROX: Xy: Pix
1. XY doesn't always get to share in the glory, but the show wouldn't be the same without her.
2. As XY's mother said: "You can't possibly go to New York with all that facial hair."
3. XY holds forth on the streets of Manhattan.
4. XY begins life as an egg.
5. XY feels the pain of a larval existence.
6. We all thought XY was still stuck in the pupa stage...
7. XY enters the fourth stage of development.
8. XY channels the Snuggle bear mascot.
9. Why would anyone throw away a perfectly good bottle of Aunt Jemima syrup?
10. XY recounts the harrowing tale of her first day at MTV -- suffering from a massive hangover.
11. XY sings: "May Day at the industrial ruin! Yes, capitalism has fallen in Bloomington!"
12. XY rips up a parking ticket. She's driving a rental in West Lafayette, so what does she care?
13. XY can't handle the raw power of garlic. "Spit or swallow? ... In this case, ladies, I recommend spittin'. Who cares if he breaks up with you?"
14. XY says, "Welcome to Gary!"
15. XY explains her name.
16. "Fuck the televangelism, look at this! This is communing with nature!"
17. "That sneaky AT&T!" XY investigates the mystery of the non-functional phones.
18. XY discovers the filth that lies within the mall mound.
19. The Capitalist Girl Scout argues with the Socialist 4H-er.
20. And who wouldn't be frightened by this unearthly apparition?
21. XY fixes herself a snack of Campell's Cream of Mushroom Soup. She was feeling nauseous. "I know, it's the morning, I'm feeling sick, I'm a newlywed -- I know what you're thinking."
22. XY had a cold, so she asked J to make her a medicinal drink.
23. XY takes a sip from the piping hot medicinal concoction.
24. Wow! XY is full of vim and vigor after the healing power of J's medicinal beverage.
25. XY on Myrtle Beach: "I don't know what I think of this crazy place." If only she knew that she'd be living in New Orleans six years later.
26. XY blows: "It's like prom night all over again!"
27. Angela made this beautiful puppet to represent XY. As a special touch of realism, her head is full of Play-Doh.
28. During the legal marriage ceremony, XY got a bad case of the giggles.
29. XY is covered with black paint after painting the puppet stage. How many brides get this dirty for their wedding? Jeff Lee built the stage.
30. XY -- She Who Cutteth Up.
31. XY was a platinum blonde for about six months. Then her hair started breaking off.
32. XY hypnotizes the home viewers into thinking that ROX is actually good.
33. XY demonstrates her erudition as a naturalist. Who knew that one day she would teach science in the public schools?
34. XY, the All-American Woman, proclaims her love of God and country to Mr. G and the poet Dennis Sipe.
35. XY commandeers the Phantom Menace.
36. XY goes "swimming" at Waveland, Mississippi. Too bad the water is only ankle-deep.
37. XY flashes a nip for the fisheye.
38. XY at the Frank Southern Ice Arena.
39. XY is powerless to resist the light.
40. Mmmmm... Mmmmm... Oooh -- God!
41. A young XY plays dress up with friends.
42. In younger and more innocent days, XY was a Brownie.
43. XY goes off: "You wanna piece of this?!?" (In the background: the elusive Rachel Whang.)
44. XY throws the ball down the lane at the pins.
45. "I would pronounce this flower as distinctly yonic."
46. XY buys too much candy in preparation for the Festival of Fools.
47. XY tries out a hula hoop at Big Lots.
48. XY stands before her favorite store.
49. XY's tongue is the same color as this canned salmon!
50. "We had a little parade. We're about fun, we're about change, we're about anti-stagnation. We're also about safety pops."
51. XY pops her bubble.
52. "The only aerobics host with armpit hair!"
53. XY receives the Mark of the Beast.
54. The achingly hip Xy Paxson makes a special guest appearance.
55. Füc rocks out at a street dance. It was their first and alas their last live performance.
56. Xy cashes in on the next marketing craze.
57. Xy expresses her feelings about landlords.
58. "Paying rent is just like flushing money down the toilet!"
59. Xy shows us what she's working with.
60. Xy licks a fig.
61. Xy bleaches her facial hair.
62. That is one damn big dog!
63. Preaching against the evils of java.
64. Why settle for a suntan? Xy won't be satisfied till her skin burns, cracks, peels, and exposes bone.
65. B just popped the question. The amazing thing: Xy said yes. Hooray.
66. Xy gets ready to mix a Cold Chocolate.
67. J gets ready to mix a drink for Xy as she receives a backrub from B.
68. Xy vows a quick return to New Orleans on the eve of Katrina's landfall. Little did she know she would not see her home for two and a half months.
69. Michael and Xy brandish liquor purchased with FEMA money. Your tax dollars at work!
70. Xy shows her love for Limbaugh.
71. Xy samples the Thinking Man's Bolus.
72. Unseen forces are active here, creative and fertile powers of nature.
73. The More Life Coalition protests Planned Parenthood. Photograph by Rachel Whang.
74. Singing and playing guitar — at the same time! The talented Xy can do it all.
75. XY is awakened by her husband's convulsions.
76. And then XY licked Friend.
77. XY kneels down and prays in the St. Roch Shrine.
78. Watch XY wear funny hats!
79. "Bwa-ha-ha-ha!!!"
80. XY models a merkin.
81. XY drew this picture in honor of our gallant neighbor, Chance.
82. XY takes some Ballantine Ale to Ballantine Hall. Isn't she clever?
83. XY speculates on the meaning of a symbol on the Chemistry Building.
84. XY's GRE scores reveal a distinctly non-analytical mindset.
85. Xy cooks up a batch of play dough.
86. XY drew the rune Degaz upon her departure to New York.
87. XY never could think of a title for her weekly segment. One viewer suggested "Country Fried Jesus," which was pretty good, but apparently not good enough for this hard-to-please wench.
88. "They chain their dumpsters up here in Manhattan!"
89. "Rush is God!"
90. Xy gets ready to mix her own special wine spritzer at the Stonebelt Shriner's Club.
91. Album art for Füc's seminal debut album (unreleased)
92. "You may kiss the bride."
93. Xy's own grandmother didn't think much of her homemade salsa.
94. Stan and Xy examine blood stain evidence at People's Park.