ROX Other Programs

Do Not Become Confused

Do not attempt to adjust your brain.





Tao Te Ching


Music By

Art Ensemble of Chicago
Wild Cherry
T Rex

Title: "Do Not Become Confused"
Series: Editor B's Other Videos
Episode Number: 5
Production Date: April 8th, 1992
Running Time: 26:08

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Production Notes:

August 29th, 2003

B: A coupla months before the birth of ROX, I finished up a program called “Do Not Become Confused,” a compilation of short videos which I'd been working on for some months. One segment, titled “Tree Rex,” is actually a re-working of a concept for the very first video I'd ever attempted (an abortive effort titled “Tree Worship”), and it uses footage that was shot in the late 1980s.

“Do Not Become Confused” is the most immediate precursor to ROX itself, and as such is required viewing for the serious ROX scholar. It gives a good impression of where my head was at. I was reading the Tao Te Ching and taking lots of psychedelics, but I think the program makes that obvious. There's plenty of J here, back when we still called him Joe, and in fact much of this program was shot on his camera.

Media for Do Not Become Confused:
Pix for Do Not Become Confused:
Lesson 23
Toast teaches.

Temp. Comp.
Sometimes the ordinary can seem extraordinary if you just look at it the right way.

It Ain't No Beer
Jim Reichert brandishes a beer bottle, but don't worry -- He's not threatening you. It's art, man.

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