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Carpe Laximentum — Seize the Slack

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Not Necessarily ROX: Index


Produced by Editor B from May 2001 to February 2002, no.rox was, for a time, the only experimental television series in the city of New Orleans. It aired on New Orleans Access Television. For the most part, these are exercises in formalism, with no narrative structure. However, a couple of the episodes veer into the political realm. See if you can tell which are which. The first episode seems to have gone missing, but the rest are available for your viewing pleasure.

Pix for Other:
Yikes! It's the Lykes building!

Peace Skate
Skating for peace.

Cruciform 7
Mutually perpendicular pairs of vectors of equal magnitude from a fixed origin.

Colored Entrance
A remnant from the bad old days, which were not that long ago. Can you read what it says above the door?

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