ROX J's Bartending Guide

Medicinal Brandy



ROX Episodes



Drink Recipe

XY was very sick. Actually, I think she was faking it; but hey, I really wanted to see her freak out in her underwear. This drink did the trick.


boiling hot H2O
Cold's Banishment Tea
1 oz brandy
lemon slice


Put the tea in the castinet, or lacking that, in a tea strainer. Stick it in the boiling water. Let it steep. Add the brandy, and garnish with the lemon. Carry it — carefully, now! — to your beloved and sickly ailing friend, who will likely summon the spirit of XY and dance around in her underwear upon tasting this concoction. Either that, or she'll puke the shit up.

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November 16th, 2006

W. Owen: If you're going to post this as an actual recipe, you might want to drop Terry Whitefeather an email and ask him what exactly he put in that colds banishment tea. He used to whip up his own custom herbal mixes like that all the time to sell at the Eye (and may still do a few). All I recall about that particular one is that it had echinacea in it.

Edited to add: I found an old flyer of his which lists the ingredients as echinacea, coltsfoot, ma huang, eucalyptus leaves, horehound herb, liquorice root, wild cherry bark, and peppermint leaves. It doesn't say how much of each is included, though.

Try him at and see if he remembers.

Media for Medicinal Brandy:
Pix for Medicinal Brandy:
Medicinal Drink
XY takes a sip from the piping hot medicinal concoction.

Cold's Banishment Tea
We got some Cold's Banishment Tea from the local headshop, the Eye.

XY had a cold, so she asked J to make her a medicinal drink.

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