ROX People

W. Owen, M.D. (Manic Depressive)

W. Owen is down with the ROX crew.

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Current Location: Bloomington

Vital Statistics

The White Lodge
Pre-Existing Conditions:
Pathological loathing of authority figures, idiots and bureaucracy in about that order; the horrific excuse for hair you see in every photo of me on here.
Current Job(s), Length Held:
Superhero by night, layabout vegging in front of tv by day.
Previous Job(s), Length Held:
That's classified.
Last Video Rented (and opinion in 4 words or less):
Mulholland Drive. Where's the videogame, already??
Political Orientation:
Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil, and the government is lying about 9/11....
Musical Instrument(s):
Didgeridoo, plus shofar on high holy days.
Favorite Techno-Fetish-Object:
My new mp3 player (yes, I've finally entered the 21st century).
Favorite Drug(s):
la Fée Verte
Personal Motto/Excuse:
Nemo me impune lacessit.
W Shock

Proof that W. Owen was there, after all.

Other resolutions: 60x45 240x180 600x450

Media for W. Owen:
Pix for W. Owen:
Featuring Owen
Owen shows his support for Dubya.

W. Owen, Coffee Virgin
He's not exactly young or innocent, but he was a virgin -- a coffee virgin. We gave him his very first cup of joe ever. Now he's an addict.

Helluva Title
J gets ready to mix a Helluva Buzz for W. Owen.

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