ROX Episode Guide

ROX #14: Not Special Episode

Extraordinarily ordinary.




Whiskey Shot



Music By

Recurring Segments



Title: "Not Special Episode"

Series: ROX
Season: one
Episode Number: 14
Production Date: unknown
Running Time: 32:07

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Production Notes:

February 23rd, 2003
Nothing Special Here

B: This may be the least memorable episode in the ROX canon, simply becuz there is so little to distinguish it. It is, as the title implies, not special.

We were just getting in the groove of producing programs with themes, and we had made a number of “specials” recently, such as the “Family Values Special” and the “Peace & Justice Special.”

We had been planning a special about brewing beer in your own home, but alas, our plans ran afoul of our own stupidity.

Indeed, the unquestionable highlight of this program is the clip of J attempting to ride his motorcycle and videotape at the same time. He was not successful, and that was the last footage the camera ever recorded.

So the “Not Special Episode” was recorded with a camera from Bloomington's community access television station. Sadly, this camera also had problems, and there is a noticeable problem with the video control track throughout the episode. If we had known about that ahead of time, we probably would have called this the “Technical Difficulties Special.”

This episode marks the first appearance of Bitch Booth. It also marks the last appearance of Bitch Booth.

Media for Not Special Episode:
Pix for Not Special Episode:
Temp. Comp.
Sometimes the ordinary can seem extraordinary if you just look at it the right way.

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