ROX Episode Guide

ROX #83: J&B Eat Garlic








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Title: "J&B Eat Garlic"

Series: ROX
Season: three
Episode Number: 83
Production Date: March 24th, 1995
Running Time: 29:30

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Production Notes:

January 6th, 2003
A Triumph Of The Swill

B: J was generally in charge of field production at this time, while I concentrated my efforts on editing. But for this particular episode I was charged with the field responsibilities. I forget why.

Anyway, I was particularly happy with the result. In one day we drove from Bloomington to Greenwood to West Lafayette to Gary, with specific video goals in mind for each stop.


June 15th, 2003
Don't Try This At Home

Lynn: I made the foolish mistake of emulating J&B's behaviour in this episode.
To this day, the smell of raw garlic still makes my stomach feel full of fiery holes.
I haven't seen this episode in a long time, so I'm wondering whether Woody's breakdown was because of B's barrage of questions or the fact that B had been chewing raw garlic all day.

July 10th, 2006
Should Keep Away The Vampires...

Mr. Mike: In ROX #83 the gang (J, B, and Xy) take a trip to Gary, Ind. (pausing in B's lunar hometown of Greenwood to roll down a construction site mound) because the powers-that-be in Gary have decided to ban eating garlic in public. Feeling that the herb is getting a bad rap, B and Xy interview Dr. Varro Tyler, who tells them of the medical benefits of garlic, and why garlic along with prune juice will never be regulated by the FDA (they're too... [More...]

January 25th, 2007
So That's What Gary Looks Like

Indy Aimee: J, B, and Xy — pretty funny stuff, ya know. I like the music you played in the car. Good Indiana footage. Bloomington's a lot more pretty, though. I miss Bloomington, but Fort Wayne should do. I like the inclusion of music in your videos. You guys are real.

Media for J&B Eat Garlic:
Pix for J&B Eat Garlic:
Tomato for Hire
This poor guy was making minimum wage standing by the highway in a tomato suit to advertise a Fazoli's franchise.

Varro Tyler, PhD
We interviewed Dr. Varro Tyler about the health benefits of garlic. Dr. Tyler explained how the FDA's policies make it difficult to get reliable information about herbal therapies.

Scenic Greenwood, IN
ROX makes a triumphant return to B's hometown.

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