ROX Episode Guide

ROX #87: The Seven Year Itch

Scratching 'til it bleeds...







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Title: "The Seven Year Itch"

Series: ROX
Season: four
Episode Number: 87
Production Date: January 28th, 2003
Running Time: 28:30

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Production Notes:

February 8th, 2003
More Like Eight Years

B: It took over a year to make ROX #87. It wasn't a particularly complex or ambitious production, though. It's just that we were out of practice after a seven year hiatus. Plus, what with J & I living at opposite ends of the country, it took a while to get our groove on.

I finished editing this show on January 28, 2003. Strangely enough, that was the 150th birthday of Jose Marti, the Cuban revolutionary whose image appears ever-so-briefly while J is reading from the “Disorientation Manual.”


August 3rd, 2006
More Mixed Drinks Than You Can Shake A Stick At

Mr. Mike: “The Seven-year Itch” was the first ROX episode after a seven-year hiatus, but it feels more like an ultra-cheap reunion special. J sits in his new kitchen, complaining about writing puff pieces on Internet billionares and mixing drinks, while B looks over all of his ROX archives, reminiscing about how the show was declared “the best show on television” by Wired magazine the minute after they stopped producing episodes. So even though B is in New Orleans and J is somewhere in the Midwest, they decide to begin ROX again. However, not much really gets accomplished in ROX #87 (aside from the mixed drinks and the nostalgia), so it's up to the bit players to fill out the rest. So it's J's friend “Dumbass Corner” Dave scratching his crotch after being asked “what's a seven-year itch?”, “Barfbag” Matt upchucking in J's toilet, J's wife Day denying that her nickname is “Scooter Bob”, and... [More...]

Media for The Seven Year Itch:
Pix for The Seven Year Itch:
Jose Marti
Jose Marti was cool. He started the Cuban Revolutionary Party and campaigned relentlessly for liberation from Spain. This statue is located in Mid-City New Orleans.

J & Day Get Married
J and Day exchange vows.

Bowling Ball
J goes bowling in the Clark Fork River

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