ROX Episode Guide

ROX #88: J&B's Mid-Life Crisis







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Title: "J&B's Mid-Life Crisis"

Series: ROX
Season: four
Episode Number: 88
Production Date: June 3rd, 2003
Running Time: 28:12

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Production Notes:

February 11th, 2003

B: This episode took a long time to produce, mainly in the editing. Post-production stretched over most of March and all of April and May.

I'm not sure how many hours I spent editing the show, but I suspect it was about forty, which is average for an episode of ROX. However, I wasn't able to sit down and work on it for more than a few hours at a time. Instead of five sessions of eight hours each, it was more like twenty sessions of two hours... [More...]

June 8th, 2003
Notes Upon Second Viewing

J: Something I've noticed, as we've worked our way through 88 episodes now (actually, 89 — since ROX #88 was edited after ROX #89 was completed.... or wait, no, actually, 88, since we somehow managed to skip #33 entirely), is that Editor B's thoughts as he goes along through the process of editing a program are often quite contrary to my impressions upon viewing the finished project.

I have no idea why this is the case. Episodes that I can... [More...]


June 8th, 2003
A Couple Random Thoughts

El Jefe: I'd sent this to B earlier, and he asked if I could contribute them, so here goes:

A couple of (off-lyst) comments about #88. I see why you're inclined to think that the episode sucks. Essentially, the real HIT of the whole episode was the editing tricks. You've become an incredible editor, and this makes up for a lot, if not adds a lot to the overall product.

But honestly, the 2 items the episode was geared around (j & b living a... [More...]

May 6th, 2006

Scottica: I love the closing statements, I also love the Shel Silverstein look. I guess beards aren't the worst thing to have during the war. I would like to see George Bush with an Osama beard on, you can work that into 112th eposide entitles: “Iraq-The New Hundred Years War...”

Media for J&B's Mid-Life Crisis:
Pix for J&B's Mid-Life Crisis:
My Son Won't Die...
Protest sign at antiwar march in New Orleans.

Split Screen 2
J&B try another long-distance hosting technique, but B feels cramped on half a screen.

Evelyn Bomb
Evelyn doesn't seem to mind the idea of bombing WalMart, if we can get the people out first.

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