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Big Red Liquors



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Location: Big Red Liquors [building]

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Production Notes:

August 28th, 2003
The University Of Alcohol

B: I don't know if it's still there, but last time I visited Big Red Liquors in Bloomington, I was amused by the mural near the entrance. It depicts a large flag with text that seems to imply some sort of association with Indiana University. However, careful observation reveals that the words “Indiana” and “University” are actually on separate ribbons. So it does not really say “Indiana University” at all. Indeed, this is merely a liquor store located in Indiana which respects the value of higher education. The mural celebrates these two entirely unrelated facts. Any perceived connection to Indiana University is purely coincidental.

Related locations:

Bloomington [city]


Media for Big Red Liquors:
Pix for Big Red Liquors:
J and Worm rejoice in a successful purchase at Big Red Liquor. Let the festivities commence!

Ill Gotten
Michael and Xy brandish liquor purchased with FEMA money. Your tax dollars at work!

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Michael is astonished by the bottle of Old Overholt rye whiskey in his hands. He picked it off the shelf with his eyes closed.

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