Title: "After the Levees Failed"
Series: ROX
Season: four
Episode Number: 93
Production Date: March 14th, 2006
Running Time: 30:00
Just thought I should mention that we are working on ROX #93. Because of recent traumaticalizing events, it's not gonna be about “Hangover Cures” as originally planned. It's gonna be about Hurricane... [More...]
ROX #93 is done at last and available for your viewing pleasure. Perhaps pleasure is the wrong word, as this episode deals with some pretty painful stuff: namely the aftermath of Hurricane... [More...]
Rex Dart:
Well, I finally got to see this episode. It's by far my favorite since ROX awoke from its long hibernation.
It's tricky to cover a tragedy of this magnitude in a show like this, but I believe... [More...]
I found it sad to watch, but at the same time a bit therapeutic. Life as human perseverance stares into the face of disaster, and fun with ducktape.
Superb work here. Really captured the ambiguity of the situation and the ambivalence we all feel about the situation in New Orleans now. Even if we're committed to staying and making things work,... [More...]
“After The Levees Failed” is, like many episodes of ROX, amazing tv!
This time, though, it’s because we see a national catastrophe not through the media’s eyes, but through the eyes... [More...]
Jeff Elbow:
ROX #93 taught me one thing.
After Levees fail...there is always room for one more Dinty Moore Beef Stew...
We were recently honored to get some great music from two bands, written just for ROX, inspired by the ill wind known as Katrina: Cold Wind by... [More...]
Television viewers in Bloomington, Indiana, will soon have a chance to see how we fared during Hurricane Katrina. Thrill to our harrowing evacuation! Sigh with relief as we take refuge in the city of... [More...]
Media for After the Levees Failed:
Pix for After the Levees Failed:
Michael is astonished by the bottle of Old Overholt rye whiskey in his hands. He picked it off the shelf with his eyes closed.
Michael and a volunteer unload donations from Bloomington, Indiana, at the Common Ground Health Clinic in the Algiers neighborhood of New Orleans.
(Warning: gratuitous '80s pop-metal reference)