ROX Vocab

Pix by Word

Carpe Laximentum — Seize the Slack

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Pix by Word

Word: contraflow
Image: Contraflow on I-55
Word: coprophagia
Image: Censored!
Image: Coprophagia Corner
Word: Crisis
Image: Krisis
Word: damnatory
Image: Damnatory Discussion
Image: D-Jar
Image: Inside the D-Jar
Word: faith
Image: Faith Alone
Word: falling sickness
Image: Falling Sickness
Word: foley
Image: Vocabulary: Foley
Word: ghost poopie
Image: Ghost Poopie
Word: love
Image: Love
Word: merkin
Image: A Merkin For XY
Word: monotono-theism
Image: Monotono-theism
Image: Monotono-theism B
Word: paraphernalia
Image: Garlic Press
Image: Para Pher Nali A
Word: picayune
Image: Bomb WalMart
Image: Picayune
Word: potable
Image: Fit to be Drunk
Image: Better Than Potable
Word: sputum
Image: Sputum
Word: temulency
Image: Temulency Defined
Word: transmigration
Image: Vocabulary: Transmigration
Word: yang
Image: Yang-Yang
Word: yonic
Image: XY & the Flower
Pix for Vocab:
Monotono-theism B
B introduces another vocabulary word.

Fit to be Drunk
J is stunned to realize that he's mixed a drink which is surpisingly good.

Temulency Defined
J&B define temulency, in more ways than one.

A Merkin For XY
XY models a merkin.

Ghost Poopie
J explains this week's vocabulary word with gusto.

Censored for the first time -- but not the last.

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