ROX Vocab

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Pix by Word

Word: contraflow
Image: Contraflow on I-55
Word: coprophagia
Image: Censored!
Image: Coprophagia Corner
Word: Crisis
Image: Krisis
Word: damnatory
Image: Damnatory Discussion
Image: D-Jar
Image: Inside the D-Jar
Word: faith
Image: Faith Alone
Word: falling sickness
Image: Falling Sickness
Word: foley
Image: Vocabulary: Foley
Word: ghost poopie
Image: Ghost Poopie
Word: love
Image: Love
Word: merkin
Image: A Merkin For XY
Word: monotono-theism
Image: Monotono-theism
Image: Monotono-theism B
Word: paraphernalia
Image: Garlic Press
Image: Para Pher Nali A
Word: picayune
Image: Bomb WalMart
Image: Picayune
Word: potable
Image: Fit to be Drunk
Image: Better Than Potable
Word: sputum
Image: Sputum
Word: temulency
Image: Temulency Defined
Word: transmigration
Image: Vocabulary: Transmigration
Word: yang
Image: Yang-Yang
Word: yonic
Image: XY & the Flower
Pix for Vocab:
Look it up if you don't know what it means.

Vocabulary: Transmigration
Our guest explains what it's like to share his body with another being.

Garlic Press
We're so crazed for the herb, we use special paraphernalia to help us get the most out of every bud.

Better Than Potable
The Dead Man's Float elicits high praise from the very man who mixed it.

Fit to be Drunk
J is stunned to realize that he's mixed a drink which is surpisingly good.

Damnatory Discussion
J&B mull over their new vocabulary word.

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