ROX Locations

Basement at 711 East Cottage Grove



ROX Episodes



Wrong Island Iced Tea
Scotch on the Rocks
Bailey's on the Rox
Bailey's & Coffee
Spiced Rum & Cola
Cocorhum Cola
Cuba Incarcerado
Dixie Cocktail
Irish Whisky Highball
Amaretto Sour
Long Island Iced Tea
Yukon Jack on the Rocks
Rum & Coke
Tequila Shot
Bailey's and/or Kahlua & Coffee
Tequila Sunrise
Gin Shot
Diet 7-Up Shot
Parting Shot


Location: Basement at 711 East Cottage Grove [basement]

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Production Notes:

June 13th, 2003
Born Underground

B: The first seven episodes of ROX were taped in the basement of 711 East Cottage Grove, where J was living at the time. Two Midwestern guys sitting in a basement doing a cable access show — kinda like Wayne's World, which we had never seen. But this basement was much darker, danker, and dirtier. One time the toilet backed up, and we found shit all over the floor!

Related locations:

711 East Cottage Grove [building]


Media for Basement at 711 East Cottage Grove:
Pix for Basement at 711 East Cottage Grove:
Bar Talk
We almost called the show "Bar Talk," but we were worried that people might get us confused with the great Hungarian composer, Béla Bartók.

Deep Throat
A close-up view down Michael Northam's throat.

Amaretto Sour
J gets ready to mix the third drink of the evening, an amaretto sour.

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