ROX People


Day is down with the ROX crew.

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ROX: People: Day

Current Location: Missoula

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May 2nd, 2007
J + Day = Julian


What do you say to an old friend who lives on the other side of the country when he reports some good news? In the old days I'd send him a bottle of J&B Scotch. But that doesn't seem like the most appropriate gift for such an event.

Yes, my partner in crime, J of J&B on the ROX, is now a father.

I can't send him a bottle of that crap.

His son, Julian, deserves better.

Julian's mom, Day, deserves better.

Definitely something single malt. Not that I can afford much.

Maybe The Dalmore?

(Originally posted on b.rox)

Media for Day:
Pix for Day:
Day Drinks Vodka Cranberry
Day samples J's vodka cranberry and finds it acceptable.

Featuring Day
Day assaults the camera with the shorn locks of her own hair.

J & Day Kiss
"By the authority vested in myself by virtue of my incredible hubris, I pronounce us man and wife. You may kiss me!"

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