ROX Episode Guide

ROX #77: How to Make Your Own TV Show




J, your bartender
B, your editor
Jenny B
Eric White
Melissa Hudson
Brad Bennett
Anthony Jankowski




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Title: "How to Make Your Own TV Show"

Series: ROX
Season: three
Episode Number: 77
Production Date: January 17th, 1995
Running Time: 29:30

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Production Notes:

August 29th, 2003
Irony Upon Irony

B: Yes, ROX #77 really was inspired by a letter from the Monroe County Jail. Apparently they got basic cable in there, and so the prisoners were able to watch our show. The irony is that while they were behind bars, they could watch us breaking the law on television with apparent impunity.

A further irony is the idea that anyone would look to us for advice on how to make a television show. But that's exactly what Brad Bennett asked us in his letter, and who were we to deny such a request?

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