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Festival of Fools



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Festival of Fools

October 4th, 1992

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Production Notes:

December 31st, 2003
Lucky Day

B: October 4th, 1992, was a lucky day for us.

The Have Fun Club, of which we were proud members, had organized a “Festival of Fools” for this day. But in truth that organization consisted of little more than the printing of a flyer and a trip to Big Lots for supplies. We had no idea if anyone would show up for the event. Probably not.

Luck was on our side, however. By a fortuitous coincidence, the three-day Anarchist Picnic was reaching its climax on that same day. A contingent of freaks arrived from that event and turned our parade into a raging success.

It was also lucky in another way. Local videographer Eric White got wind of the event and turned up with camera in hand. I cut his footage together with the stuff I shot, the first of numerous collaborations and the beginning of a friendship that persists to this day.

Eric also met Rachel Whang at the parade, the beginning of a relationship that was documented sixty-seven episodes later in ROX #78.

Media for Festival of Fools:
Pix for Festival of Fools:
Fools on Washington
The Festival of Fools parade proceeds down Washington Street.

Fools Forward
Anal marches in the foreground while Heather balances a pot on her head.

Fools on Kirkwood
The Festival of Fools parade proceeds down Kirkwood Avenue in Bloomington, Indiana. No permits were obtained; we simply took over the street!

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