Title: "J&B Get Baked"
Series: ROX
Season: two
Episode Number: 59
Production Date: April 5th, 1994
Running Time: 29:30
“J&B Get Baked,” the 59th episode of ROX, first aired on Bloomington Community Access Television, Tuesday, April 12, 1994, at 11 pm. The show was the result of almost a year of videotaping, two weeks of intensive editing, and several years of getting stoned on a regular basis.
Prior to the... [More...]
This is a genuine academic paper submitted for class credit at Indiana University circa 1994.
Hangin' with 13ers
by Allan Murphy
I elected to study a group of Bloomington people in their early to mid twenties. My principal informant was Bart Everson,... [More...]
J&B on the ROX #59 is simply one of the most amazing half-hours of television that I've ever seen!
To start with, dealing with the subject of marijuana as an everyday thing - neither as a “drug”, nor as an anti-drug polemic - an honest admission of a part of everyday life, isn't just... [More...]
I moved into Bloomington on a Tuesday. That night I was flipping channels and what did I see but a guy in a Cat in the Hat hat smoking a spliff.
I knew immediately my new town understood the value of free speech.
After the initial shock, the best part of the show is the interview with Steve... [More...]
W. Owen:
Way too many great moments and lines to list here. I just watched it again for about the millionth time (unstoned, since I gave up the maryjane years ago), and boy did that there po-po chief ever have egg on his face the day after this originally aired....
Our friend T. Bill recently bought a... [More...]
Media for J&B Get Baked:
Pix for J&B Get Baked:
J&B introduce themselves to the world at large in front of the Monroe County Courthouse as they kick off their most notorious episode.
Title frame for "J&B Get Baked"
Clockwise from upper left: Jenny B holds an umbrella over J's head while TBlack pretends to smoke through the arm of a recliner and Editor B videotapes it all. (Photo by Kevin Stuart for the IDS.)