ROX Episode Guide

ROX #11: A Festival of Fools

A celebration of freaks, failures, queers, anarcha-feminists, nerds, skate punks, ascetics, neo-hippies, drug-crazed frisbee-throwing nudists, and other alien beings.







Music By

Carl Orff
The Hafler Trio
Art Ensemble of Chicago


Recurring Segments


External Links

Title: "A Festival of Fools"

Series: ROX
Season: one
Episode Number: 11
Production Date: October 4th, 1992
Running Time: 23:38

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Production Notes:

December 31st, 2003
Lucky Day

B: October 4th, 1992, was a lucky day for us.

The Have Fun Club, of which we were proud members, had organized a “Festival of Fools” for this day. But in truth that organization consisted of little more than the printing of a flyer and a trip to Big Lots for supplies. We had no idea if anyone would show up for the event. Probably not.

Luck was on our side, however. By a fortuitous coincidence, the three-day Anarchist Picnic was reaching its climax on that same day. A contingent of freaks arrived from that event and turned our parade into a raging success.

It was also lucky in another way. Local videographer Eric White got wind of the event and turned up with camera in hand. I cut his footage together with the stuff I shot, the first of numerous collaborations and the beginning of a friendship that persists to this day.

Eric also met Rachel Whang at the parade, the beginning of a relationship that was documented sixty-seven episodes later in ROX #78.

August 19th, 2005
Festival Of Fools

Kelly McBride: What a great day this was. The anarchists had been camping out in my back yard up on the hill (talk about a culture clash) and we headed downtown for the parade. We didnt know what to expect. We ran into Killian (the long-haired one holding a skateboard) and Isa once we got downtown. I remember the folks in cars looking at us very blankly confused. One even asked me what the protest was about? I told him we were marching against boredom!

The sad thing is this was the only one....

Media for A Festival of Fools:
Pix for A Festival of Fools:
Amused Passenger
Were motorists annoyed by a big gang of freaks taking over Kirkwood Avenue? Not at all. They loved it!

Flyer for Festival of Fools Parade
The Have Fun Club created this flyer to promote the first annual Festival of Fools parade.

Sham 69 Hula
Another punk hoops it up.

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