ROX Episode Guide

ROX #71: Generation Why?

Ah, youth.



J, your bartender
B, your editor
Jenny B
Keddy McClain
Frankie Hartzell
Cedar Martin
Weird Jason
David the Younger
Jo Tee
Katherine the Younger
Soriya Pok
Jonah Schmiechen
Garrett Nelson
Marabai Parsons
Yuki Goseki
Austin Lucas
Alexis Stahl
Colin Snyder
Emma Rice
Stephanie W
Colin McClain
Sacha Vosekas
Andy Lund
Solomon Briggs
Emily Ebel-Orr





Music By

Carl Orff
The Dirtys

Recurring Segments

Title: "Generation Why?"

Series: ROX
Season: three
Episode Number: 71
Production Date: unknown
Running Time: 29:30

Review this episode...


March 24th, 2006
"Our Cocaine, Cobain, Beck, Loser... Ass-end Of A Generation."

Mr. Mike: Truly the one episode of ROX that let the voice of a generation speak for itself, ROX #71 featured banana-humping from the teen art group “Another Moon Soup”, a quizzical “MTV Real World” sketch, and the charming female gang “Dum Hos Wit Knives”, who pull a drive-by fruiting.

However, this episode posed a number of unanswered questions. If the “Generation X” label was concocted by Douglas Rushkoff (stealing the name of Billy Idol's punk band), who thought it would be cute to call the next generation “Generation Y”? And why did J & B's friend give them a bottle of “Pure White 40” (a damn... [More...]

April 4th, 2006
Episode #71

Stephen Donahue: i just noticed j used a pizza express yellow cup.. ahhh, the memories of pizza express in b-town.

July 17th, 2006

Scottica: Maybe, someday soon, a cleaver witty writer from “Time” magazine will redefine the generations with snazzy new nomenclatures. Might I suggest “generation gasp for your last breath”.

Media for Generation Why?:
Pix for Generation Why?:
Dum Hoz Interview
We were lucky to score an exclusive interview with one of Bloomington's most notorious street gangs.

Sacha & Steph
They just did a drive-by-fruiting. Note the banana.

Leaf, Pleasure Seeker
Leaf seeks pleasure. Don't we all?

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