ROX Episode Guide

ROX #34: J&B's Freshman Orientation Program









Music By

Carl Orff
Kool Moe Dee
Frank Black
Erik Satie
Bob Mould
Dion and the Belmonts

Recurring Segments



Title: "J&B's Freshman Orientation Program"

Series: ROX
Season: two
Episode Number: 34
Production Date: August 1st, 1993
Running Time: 29:07

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Production Notes:

August 19th, 2003
Back In The Ring To Take A Second Swing

B: We wanted to start our second season off with a bang. Since we were planning to show the season premiere at the Bluebird nightclub, we knew it had to rock and roll.

Thus ROX #34, “J&B's Freshman Orientation Program,” represents a concerted effort to make our most dynamic and fast-paced episode to date. I'm not sure that we succeeded, but I do know that this show contains one of the most rollicking segments we ever produced, namely my bike... [More...]


August 31st, 2004
"Old Bristly" Here With A Quick Comment...

W. Owen: I was at the Bird the night this aired for the first time. HUGE cheer from the crowd when B took off through the Jordan hallways on the bike.

Just passing that one along. And he's right, it certainly ranks as one of the all-time immortal ROX moments, if not the greatest.

September 16th, 2004
No Bikes Or Pets In Jordan Hall

Anna Bednarski: I just noticed the footage of B riding his bike in IU's Jordan Hall in ROX #34, in clear violation of the “No Pets or Bicycles” sign. Life is really circular at times, and as such, I actually now work in Jordan Hall and pass by that sign a lot.

It's the type of thing I would have liked to test when I was an undergrad, and I was pondering why they'd have such a policy. I've come to 2 conclusions:

1. It's the biology building. And, from... [More...]

March 30th, 2006
Only College I've Seen With A Built-in Graveyard

Mr. Mike: I confess I have vague memories of ROX #34. Yes I remember the bike riding in Whatshisface Hall...sorta. What sticks out in my mind about this ep (besides the camera battery dying and the college coffee shop) is the cemetery across from the student union building. Who thought that was a good idea? I know there's this two-foot stone wall seperating the graveyard from U.I. Bloomington, but WHY?

Media for J&B's Freshman Orientation Program:
Pix for J&B's Freshman Orientation Program:
Alfred C. Kinsey
Alfred Kinsey was really into sex.

J Drinks, B Gesticulates
While J drains his customary pre-show beverage, Editor B welcomes the viewing public to the second season of ROX.

J & Jim compare grade point averages.

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