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ROX Populi: Index
As you can see from this list, a lot of people have been involved in the production of ROX over the years. Some have labored long and hard for nothing but love of the game. Most were just amused to play with us for a few hours or more. A few bastards have actually tried to shut us down, but to no avail. And some people just happened to be there when the cameras were rolling, through no fault of their own.
This list is intended to be exhaustive, but we've probably missed a few folks. If your name is missing, let Editor B know.
- Hosts
- J, Your Bartender
- B, Your Editor
- Icons
- TBlack, Anarchist Clown
- Xy, Your Tour Guide
- Crew
- Adam
- Amanda Caruthers
- Anal
- Andrea Christie
- Andrea Jones
- Angela
- Ari Pomerantz
- Axel
- Becky Swanson
- Ben Bloch
- Brad Wilhelm
- Brent Olds, Bassist
- Brian Kearney
- Carol, Unlicensed Hairdresser
- Cedar Martin
- Chris Maron, Professional Arsonist
- Christy Davis
- Chuck, Produce Consultant
- Corey, Tilesetter
- Cousin Matt
- Creighton
- Dave, Dumbass Number One
- Day
- Dennis Sipe, poet
- Diane Dz, Skate Consultant
- Dick Shivers
- Dr. Pat, J's Mom
- Dr. Paul
- DS
- Eric Ost
- Eric White, Producer
- Erica
- Erik Brewer
- Ethan
- Ferdinand
- Frank Green, Videographer
- Frankie Hartzell
- Geraldine, Popsicle Consultant
- Helen Hill, Filmmaker
- Jamal
- Jenny B, Archivist
- Jim Knowlton, Mad Scientist
- Jim Poyser
- Jim Reichert
- Joe M. Ma
- Julie, Fitness Trainer
- Keddy McClain
- Kelly
- Kelly Sherrod
- Kelly Slinkman
- Kyle
- Kyle from Wyoming
- Lee Ann, Intern
- Lee Lawmaster, DVD Guy
- Lindsy Pack
- Lisa Goniwiecha, Hairdresser #2
- Liza
- Lynn, Fry Cook
- Mary H
- Matt, Dumbass Number Two
- MBone, Cyberfriend
- MF
- Michael Arizona
- Michael Homan
- Michael Northam
- Mike Wiltrout
- Moonboy
- Mr. G
- Nick, J's Dad
- Niki
- Paul Smedberg
- PJ
- Qernie
- Rachel Whang, Photographer
- Skippy, Anonymous ROX Fan
- Stacey DePauw, Hairdresser #1
- T Bill
- Toast
- W. Owen, M.D. (Manic Depressive)
- Worm
- Wyatt
- Zoe
- Fans
- Amy
- Andrew Eskerod, Canadian
- Ben
- Calm You
- Chamooga
- Cynthia DeKay
- Fuller4
- Gene Ha
- Guy in a Poncho
- Ian
- Indy Aimee
- Jeff Elbow
- Johnny D
- Jon B
- Justin D. Moldrup
- M.A.D.
- Mr. Mike
- Name & Address Withheld Upon Request
- Nathan, Geek of International Mystery
- Nick Ferg, Nihilist
- Nirmal
- Oz
- Particle Butthead
- PlasticDave
- Rev. Schnell
- Rex Dart
- rice.rob
- Rob
- Rudy Minton
- Stefan K. Stanevych
- T.S.
- W. Holdcraft
- W. Hurd
- Enemies
- Bobby Knight, Evil Basketball Coach
- Charleen Potter, Old Biddy
- Eric Black, More Life Coalition
- George H. W. Bush, 41st President of the United States
- Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy
- Montel Williams, Talk Show Host
- Ollie North, Über-Patriot
- Osama bin Laden, Terrorist
- Pat Thomas, Evil Branch Manager
- Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States
- Rush Limbaugh, Talk Show Host
- Steve Sharp, Police Chief
- Woody Burton, State Representative
- Friends
- Adil Butt
- Aeric Meredith-Goujon
- Alexis Stahl
- Alice Wolfson, DJ
- Amanda MacEachran
- Andrew Pelloso
- Andy
- Anna Bednarski, Third Prize Winner
- Another Eric
- Arie, Grandpa
- Arnie, Ex-con
- Asheesh
- Austin Lucas, Punk Rocker
- Becca
- Bill
- Bill Cameron
- Bill D'Amico
- Bob
- Brandon, Professional Plumber
- Brennan Golightly
- Brian Jones
- C May
- Carl Steadman
- Carp Combs
- Chad Carruthers
- Chance, Next-Door Neighbor
- Cheryl Damron
- Cheryll Elmore
- Christie Williams
- Coleman, Rock God
- Cousin Dan
- Craig Large
- Dale Collins
- Dale Myers
- Dana Green
- Daniel Geduld, Applause Guy
- Daniel McDeavitt
- Daryl Hurd
- Dave Cash
- Dave G
- David Christman
- Diane Potter
- Diane Ward, Real Television Host
- DJ Harry
- E, Special Guest
- Ed Melendez
- Emma Rice
- Eric
- Evelyn Goss
- G, Special Guest
- Gretchen Holtz
- HammHawk
- Hanna Griff, Academic Advisor
- Heather Floyd
- Heather Goode
- Heather Hitson
- Heather Ver
- Heather Weathers, Artist
- Holly, Bartender
- Isa Gordon
- J. W.
- Jack Flannel
- James Conrad
- Jason Neville
- Jeff Lee
- Jeff Moebus, US Army Master Sergeant, Retired
- Jim Robinson, Bass Guitarist
- JJ
- JL
- Jocelyn
- Joey Z, Itinerant Banjo Picker
- John Bierman
- John Burnham Jr., Landlord
- John Weber, Audio Engineer
- Jon Ceilingwalker
- Joshua Silbert, Saxophonist
- Julie Lack, Master of Cleavage
- Julie Penrod
- K.J. "Spud"
- Kalamu ya Salaam, Poet
- Karl Ost, Organic Farmer
- Kathleen Gregg
- Keith Klein, Program Director
- Kelly McBride
- Ken Pimple, Folklorist
- Kevin Loyal
- Leaf, Pleasure Seeker
- Leigh Parmenter
- Licia Hauss
- Lincoln
- Liz
- Liz Mordarski
- LoJo
- Marjorie Estivill, Folklorist
- Mark
- Mark Zemelmann
- Matthew Baucco, Writer
- Michael Stutz
- Michael White, Cable Access Director
- Mike, Father-in-law
- Mike Clarke
- Mike Kelleher
- Mildred, Grandma
- Molly Shimer
- Monty Groves
- Morgan
- Murf, The Godfather
- Natalie Gaidry, Painter
- Nate Johnson
- Ned Baugh
- Nei Nei, Audio Technician
- Ooze
- Pauline Parmer
- Rich, Jenny's Dad
- Richard Fish, Audio Theatricalist
- Rodney, Activist
- Roger Berlin
- Rudrananda, Guru
- Russ
- Sacha Vosekas
- Samuel Harrison, critic
- Scooter
- Scott "Burns" Evans
- Scottica
- Sean Benham
- Seth Shteir
- Shannon Sharpe, Realtor
- Shannon Williams
- Stan
- Stefani?
- Stephanie W
- Stephen Donahue
- Steve, Forklift Operator
- Steve Llewellyn
- Tall Steve
- The Hoover Guy
- Thom Holicky
- Tom Cardis
- Tom Shover
- Tony Brewer
- Valerio DeAngelis, Mathematician
- Winton
- Zane, Caretaker
- Heroes
- Alfred C. Kinsey, Sex Fiend
- Bagpipe Girl
- Dave Ossman, Professional Smartass
- Ed, the Meat Poet
- Eloid
- Ice Cream Man
- Jesse Woodson, Juggler
- Jim Beeson
- Jim Fielder, County Clerk
- John Barge
- Jose Marti, Revolutionary
- Kurt Loder
- Martha Kendall, Linguistic Anthropologist
- Nell Smith, Concerned Citizen
- Noam Chomsky, Real Smart Guy
- Phil Taylor, Foreman
- Philo T. Farnsworth, Inventor of Television
- Quigley, Coffe Mogul
- Richard Cowan
- Richard Owen, Old Bristly
- Rudiger Dornbusch, Economist
- St. Clare, Patron Saint of Television
- Terry Whitefeather, Wizard
- Varro Tyler, Garlic Expert
- Innocent Bystanders
- Dave the Baker, Baker
- Ellis Lucia, Photographer
- Frank
- George Wilhelm, Brad's Dad's Dad
- Jesse Slocum
- Mrs. Burton
- Muhammad Shahjahan, Cab Driver
- Osho
Pix for People:
"That stuff is pure trouble!"
Kelly McBride takes a smoke break before the Festival of Fools parade.
When you live the ROX life, you have to be prepared to be on television at any moment.
"By the authority vested in myself by virtue of my incredible hubris, I pronounce us man and wife. You may kiss me!"