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ROX Events: Index


June 22nd: Stefan K. Stanevych
September 30th: M.A.D.
November 27th: Skippy
February 24th: DBD
August 31st: TBlack
October 20th: Jon B
January 17th: B
January 23rd: Andrew Pelloso
July 12th: Andrew Eskerod
September 29th: J
December 29th: Xy
February 10th: HammHawk
May 1st: Heather Hitson
May 20th: Jamal
August 19th: Gene Ha
October 31st: Joe M. Ma
January 28th: MF
February 27th: Jim Reichert
September 11th: El Jefe
January 11th: Zoe
January 15th: Tony Brewer
June 15th: PJ
October 22nd: Angela
April 29th: Nate Johnson
June 28th: Liza
July 2nd: Lynn
November 16th: PlasticDave
August 6th: Lisa Goniwiecha
September 20th: Day
October 25th: Lee Lawmaster
June 20th: Oz

Media (by production date, where known)

May 15th: Milk 'Em All
November 11th: Indiana Urinalysis
June 6th: Video Shorts [Internet Archive]
June 6th: Video Shorts [YouTube]
September 7th: Streak
April 8th: Mapplethorpe 1990
November 15th: Robitussin PSA
November 15th: Coffee PSA
April 1st: The Christy Paxson Show #1 [YouTube]
April 1st: The Christy Paxson Show #1 [Internet Archive]
April 8th: Robitussin Rap
April 8th: Carpe DM
April 8th: Do Not Become Confused [YouTube]
April 8th: Do Not Become Confused [Internet Archive]
May 3rd: Trip Tape 5.3.92
June 1st: J&B on the Road [YouTube]
June 1st: #1: Episode Number One
June 1st: J&B on the Road [Internet Archive]
June 13th: #2: Sex in the Yukon
June 14th: #3: Tequila Conflagration
July 1st: The Christy Paxson Show #2 [YouTube]
July 1st: #4: Good Drinx & Bad Art
July 1st: #5: Rum & Coke Special
July 1st: The Christy Paxson Show #2 [Internet Archive]
July 2nd: #6: Farewell to MKM
August 2nd: ROX #7 [Vimeo]
August 15th: Monsters
August 15th: ROX #8 [YouTube]
August 15th: ROX #9 [YouTube]
August 15th: ROX #9 [Internet Archive]
August 15th: ROX #8 [Internet Archive]
October 4th: ROX #11 [YouTube]
October 4th: ROX #11 [Internet Archive]
October 15th: ROX #13 [Internet Archive]
October 15th: ROX #13 [YouTube]
November 1st: The Christy Paxson Show #3 [YouTube]
November 1st: The Christy Paxson Show #3 [Internet Archive]
November 1st: Motorcycle Cam
November 7th: More Life Coalition on J&B on the ROX
November 7th: ROX #15 [YouTube]
November 7th: ROX #15 [Internet Archive]
November 10th: ROX #16 [YouTube]
November 16th: ROX #17 [YouTube]
December 15th: ROX #19 [YouTube]
December 15th: ROX #19 [Internet Archive]
January 15th: ROX #22 [Internet Archive]
January 17th: ROX #23 [Internet Archive]
January 17th: ROX #23 [YouTube]
January 24th: ROX #24 [uncensored] [Vimeo]
February 4th: ROX #25 [YouTube]
February 12th: Morning News
February 15th: ROX #26 [original audio] [Internet Archive]
February 15th: ROX #26 [YouTube]
February 15th: ROX #28 [YouTube]
February 15th: ROX #28 [Internet Archive]
February 16th: BCAT on the Radio
February 20th: A Show Called J&B on the ROX
February 20th: ROX #27 [YouTube]
February 20th: ROX #27 [Internet Archive]
March 12th: Do That Thing with the Videotape
March 12th: ROX #29 [YouTube]
March 12th: ROX #29 [Internet Archive]
March 30th: ROX #30 [YouTube]
March 30th: ROX #30 [Internet Archive]
April 4th: Christy Paxson Easter Special
April 20th: ROX #31 [Internet Archive]
April 20th: ROX #31 [YouTube]
April 30th: The Christy Paxson Show #4 [YouTube]
April 30th: The Christy Paxson Show #4 [Internet Archive]
May 6th: The Submersibles at Second Story
September 5th: Anarchy Diary 1 & 2
October 23rd: Getting Lost in Greene County
November 30th: Tasting a Zima with Dave Ossman
April 13th: J on 1370 (Baked)
April 19th: J&B on Howard Stern
July 15th: ROX #81 [Internet Archive]
September 3rd: ROX #64 [YouTube]
September 3rd: ROX #64 [Internet Archive]
September 15th: ROX #61 [YouTube]
September 15th: ROX #61 [Internet Archive]
September 23rd: ROX #63 [YouTube]
September 23rd: ROX #66 [YouTube]
September 23rd: ROX #63 [Internet Archive]
September 23rd: ROX #66 [Internet Archive]
September 30th: ROX #69 [YouTube]
October 14th: ROX #70 [YouTube]
October 15th: ROX #67 [YouTube]
October 15th: ROX #67 [Internet Archive]
December 12th: ROX #74 [YouTube]
December 20th: ROX #75 [YouTube]
January 1st: ROX #78 [Internet Archive]
January 1st: ROX #78 [YouTube]
January 10th: ROX #76 [Internet Archive]
January 10th: ROX #76 [YouTube]
January 15th: ROX #73 [YouTube]
January 17th: ROX #77 [Internet Archive]
January 17th: ROX #77 [YouTube]
February 15th: ROX #80 [Internet Archive]
February 15th: ROX #80 [YouTube]
February 21st: ROX #79 [Internet Archive]
March 15th: ROX #84 [Internet Archive]
March 15th: ROX #84 [YouTube]
March 24th: ROX #83 [Internet Archive]
March 24th: B Eats Garlic
March 24th: ROX #83 [YouTube]
April 15th: ROX #85 [Internet Archive]
April 15th: ROX #85 [YouTube]
May 15th: B & Xy on St. Louis Radio
May 15th: ROX #86 [Internet Archive]
May 15th: ROX #86 [YouTube]
January 18th: Life of Christy: Part III
May 10th: no.ftaa
July 30th: Perpendicular
September 15th: Interchange
October 9th: Dayloop
February 15th: no.peace
April 17th: Twenty-Seven Faces
September 1st: Southern Decadence
March 4th: Mardi Gras 2003
July 3rd: ROX #88 [YouTube]
July 3rd: ROX #88 [Internet Archive]
October 15th: That's It (Editor B's Death Theme)
December 20th: Slurp Burp
March 27th: Vegan Lunch
October 28th: Commie Commie
December 26th: Interview with a Tree
June 19th: ROX #91 [YouTube]
June 19th: ROX #92 [YouTube]
June 19th: ROX #92 [Internet Archive]
June 19th: ROX #91 [Internet Archive]
July 31st: What's Your Favorite Hangover Cure?
July 31st: What Causes Hangovers?
July 31st: Worst Hangover Ever?
July 31st: Is America Hungover?
August 28th: Evacuation
September 28th: Mixing a Hurricane
October 31st: Cold Wind
November 30th: Red Tide
February 24th: Tearing Down the House
March 14th: ROX #93 [YouTube]
March 14th: ROX #93 [Internet Archive]
July 25th: Erica Raps About NOLA
July 25th: Erica Still Raps About NOLA
December 28th: ROX #95 [YouTube]
December 28th: ROX #95 [Internet Archive]
June 11th: 610 Stompers on Banks Street
November 25th: ROX #96 [Internet Archive]
November 25th: ROX #96 [YouTube]
July 2nd: Behind the Scenes at the ROX Season One DVD Party & 20th Anniversary Celebration
July 3rd: ROX #97 [YouTube]
July 3rd: ROX #97 [Internet Archive]
July 3rd: Toe Sucking
July 3rd: I Need All the Likes I Can Get
January 1st: ROX #98 [YouTube]
January 1st: ROX #98 [Internet Archive]
January 2nd: ROX #100 [YouTube]
January 2nd: ROX #100 [Internet Archive]
December 13th: ROX Deep Dive

Programs (by production date, where known)

May 15th: Milk 'Em All
November 11th: Indiana Urinalysis
June 6th: Video Shorts
April 8th: Mapplethorpe April 8th 1990
April 1st: The Christy Paxson Show #1
April 8th: Do Not Become Confused
June 1st: Episode Number One
June 1st: J&B on the Road
June 13th: Sex in the Yukon
June 14th: Tequila Conflagration
July 1st: The Christy Paxson Show #2
July 1st: Good Drinx & Bad Art
July 1st: Rum & Coke Special
July 2nd: Farewell to Kris
August 2nd: Industrial Strength Episode
August 15th: Special Mish-Mosh Episode
August 15th: Family Values Special
October 4th: A Festival of Fools
October 12th: Peace & Justice Special
October 15th: J&B Unmasked
October 18th: Personal Hygiene Episode
November 1st: The Christy Paxson Show #3
November 7th: Congrats to Clinton
November 10th: Out of Work, Out of Mind
November 16th: J&B Give Thanx
December 15th: Cold Weather Tips
January 15th: Boyz Nite In
January 17th: Sunday Morning
January 24th: A Badly Dubbed Foreign Film
February 4th: An Amazing Concatenation of Events
February 15th: The Great Midwestern Watershed
February 15th: J&B Get Sick
February 20th: Fifteen Seconds of Fame
March 12th: Our Drinking Problem
March 30th: Funky Young Siblings of the Midwestern Hemisphere
March 30th: Coping with the Shock
April 4th: Christy Paxson Easter Special
April 20th: A Toast to Poverty
April 30th: The Christy Paxson Show #4
August 1st: J&B's Freshman Orientation Program
September 1st: My Mother the Doctor
September 5th: Sloppy But Quick
September 15th: Mish-Mosh Revisited
September 25th: Tying One On
October 18th: Falling Behind
October 24th: A Leap of Faith
November 6th: How to Load Fruit
November 14th: The Nature of Reality
December 10th: Mental Housecleaning
December 15th: The Mystical State
December 29th: Golden Showers
January 18th: J&B on Ice
February 7th: Back in the Camera Again
February 15th: Six Six Six
March 1st: Noam Chomsky
March 15th: Up All Nite
March 20th: The Worm Turns
April 5th: J&B Get Baked
July 15th: Bahamian Rhapsody
September 1st: Flow
September 15th: Moving on Down
September 23rd: Raw Footage
September 23rd: Gateway
September 23rd: A Day in the Life
September 23rd: The Overt Promotion of Anarchy
September 30th: Blood on the Dial
October 15th: All Saint's Day
October 15th: Head Jobz
December 12th: Slaves to the Bean
December 20th: A Semisesquicentennial Celebration
January 1st: Love on the ROX
January 10th: Brew Ha Ha
January 15th: Prize Fools
January 17th: How to Make Your Own TV Show
February 15th: The Potable Gourmet
March 15th: A Virtual Vacation
March 24th: J&B Eat Garlic
May 1st: Global Village Idiots
May 15th: The Harvest
January 18th: Life of Christy: Part III
April 16th: Commerce
May 15th: no.ftaa
June 15th: 27 Faces
July 15th: Perpendicular
September 15th: Interchange
January 15th: no.peace
January 28th: The Seven Year Itch
February 28th: In Praise of Folly
June 3rd: J&B's Mid-Life Crisis
April 13th: Fat
June 19th: Property is Theft, Part II
June 19th: Property Is Theft
March 14th: After the Levees Failed
September 13th: Hangover Cures
January 15th: Fifteen Months of Katrina
November 15th: Life & Death on the ROX
July 3rd: ROX Season One DVD Release Party & 20th Anniversary Celebration
January 1st: Clusterfuck
May 24th: Go Viral or Die Tryin'
January 2nd: Episode Number One Hundred
Pix for Events:
Overhead Projector
What's that overhead?

Fools in the Meadow
The Festival of Fools parade arrives in Dunn Meadow.

Fools Forward
Anal marches in the foreground while Heather balances a pot on her head.

B gets arrested for streaking. The arresting officer's radio was broken, so he was forced to stand on the edge of 10th Street and wait to flag down a random police cruiser. Ironically, this had the effect of exposing more innocent citizens to the shocking sight of B's naked body.

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